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Instructor Resources

Guides for Instructors to use in class.

Want your own guide ?

Would you like to have a guide for your class or your department?

 Subject guides are being designed and specifically geared to a specific class or course. This guide could include resources that your students might need to prepare for your class. Online students also might find this a good way to get to know you and what you expect from them. A guide can be built and you can approve it in just a few days or a week. Let us know what you would like to include, and we will build it. 

Go to the Allen Library Guides Homepage to see an example of what has already been done.

 Please Email:

Or Phone: 620 901 6235

Please include:

  • the course name
  • a description of the class assignments
  • some ideas about what you would like to include in the guide, such as websites, word documents, Youtube videos, etc.

Request a guide today!