The secretary of state of each state will provide a link to their state’s business entities or names.
Kansas Secretary of State Business Entity Search
Missouri Secretary of State Search for a Business Entity
Annual - Convenient, single location to view public company annual reports or 10-Ks.
PRARS - The Public Register's Annual Report Search. View online and/or have annual reports mailed to you. Lists over 3,000 public companies.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - The NAICS system was developed jointly by the United States, Canada, and Mexico to replace the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The codes classify industries and provide a standardized way to compare business activity across North America.
GPO Access - Gateway to government regulations, Code of Federal Regulations, legislative bills, hearings and more.
Market Research
Census Bureau - Find people, business, and population maps.
County Business Patterns - Economic profiles, employment data at county level. Includes the State and County QuickFacts.
Kansas Data Center Statistics - Policy Research Institute (Univ. of Kansas.)
State Data Center. State Library of Kansas - Kansas statistics for state, county, city, and businesses.
CIA World Factbook - Profiles of countries and areas of the world. Includes economic profiles.
Global Edge - Michigan State University based site for global business. Check the “Country Insights” and “Global Resources.”
Portals to the World - Excellent source for electronic resources from around the world.
Foreign Trade Statistics - Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Statistics. Historical statistics. State export data.
Global Business & Finance Resources - Provides links on multinational firms, international business practices, financial data and financial information. Special interest of this web site: international investment corporations.
International Trade Association (U. S. Department of Commerce)
Trade Stats Express - Annual and quarterly trade data for states and the United States
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States -Based on a global classification system used to describe world trade in goods.
County Business Patterns - Economic profiles, employment data at county level. Includes the State and County QuickFacts. Locate regional economic data for industries.
Industry Research Desk - Developed by Polson Enterprises. Includes a collection of industry research tools, with emphasis on those that are freely available. Also provides a step-by-step guide on how to do industry research.
Other State statistical abstracts - Handy link to all states that compile a statistical source for their state.
Statistical Abstract of the United States - Excellent one volume compilation of U. S. Government statistics. Find industry and manufacturing and other economic statistics. Footnotes lead to the original sources of the statistics. 2011 will be the last year published.
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